Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 4 - Oh my! Already a whole month old!

This is how "big" Arwen grew this week!

A few snapshots of our week...

"Hmm, what should I do next... eat... sleep... or fuss..."

Arwen's Spock impression:

"Um, hello, Verizon? Can you hear me? Oh, hi yes, for some reason I seem to be having some trouble with my telephone service..."

A few of this week's visitors:

Arwen, Auntie Kate, and I took a little outing together to get some delish Bi-Rite Ice Cream in the Mission: Laura
Grandma Grandpa

"Auntie Mamie" and Uncle Jason
Katie and Carrie came by with Carrie's precious 7 month old boy, Lucas, to meet Arwen for the first time!
the two of them looked so cute and hysterical together!
when they were leaving, adorable little Lucas gave Arwen a sweet kiss goodbye on her head (okay, so perhaps it was more of a lick, but it was the intent that counted. *hehe!*)

hanging on Grandma's every word!

Week 3 - Loving her brand new life!

This is how "big" Arwen grew this week!

5 reasons why Mom loves her life this week!:

1) "Ah, yes... I am pleased."

2)"I promise, cross my heart!"

3)okay...need I narrate this one?...

"Power to the people!"

"Ahhahahahaaahaaahaaaha! Stop! Stop! That's so hysterical, my stomach hurts!"

Precious teeny little toes:
sleepy girl...
Literally kickin' it with Mom...A pretty little wide-eyed-moment in Grandma's arms
Just hangin' out with Grandpa on the 4th of July!

Another tough moment in Babyland... burping can be harder than you think *hehe* ...(and what you can't tell from the picture is that when she's this upset she let's out a crystal clear snort with virtually every inhale... it's always so sad to see her in such anguish, but Mom can't help but crack-up at how goofy and adorable she sounds! *haha!* So cute, I hope she never grows out of it!)

Kisses from Mom make the tough moments all better ;)...

A few more of this week's visitors:

Sarah Nev


Aunt Jamie
(Arwen's even wearing the sweater Aunt Jamie *made* for her!)

